At Upper East Side Gallery - Green Martinis AK-47 on Steps of New York Public Library At Bemelman's Bar with Catherine Boathouse Cafe on July 4th
"At Upper East Side Gallery - Green Martinis"
11" x 14"
"AK-47 on Steps of New York Public Library"
11" x 14"
"At Bemelman's Bar with Catherine"
11" x 14"
"Boathouse Cafe on July 4th"
11" x 14"
Book Signing, Corner Book Store, Susan's Book Cherry Trees at Reservoir Chinese Foot Massage on 83rd Coffee Cart in Midtown - Decorated for Christmas
"Book Signing, Corner Book Store, Susan's Book"
11" x 14"
"Cherry Trees at Reservoir"
11" x 14"
"Chinese Foot Massage on 83rd"
11" x 14"
"Coffee Cart in Midtown - Decorated for Christmas"
11" x 14"
The Dalai Lama Outside Radio City Dangerous Liaisons Exhibit at Met Dollhouse in a Thrift Shop - Is this Something I Really Need? Dolls from St. Lucia in Central Park
"The Dalai Lama Outside Radio City"
11" x 14"
"Dangerous Liaisons Exhibit at Met"
11" x 14"
"Dollhouse in a Thrift Shop - Is this Something I Really Need?"
11" x 14"
"Dolls from St. Lucia in Central Park"
11" x 14"
Dylan at the Garden with Frank A Fall on 83rd Street Falun Gong Group on Fifth Avenue Finding a Chair on the Street - Garbage Night
"Dylan at the Garden with Frank"
11" x 14"
"A Fall on 83rd Street"
11" x 14"
"Falun Gong Group on Fifth Avenue"
11" x 14"
"Finding a Chair on the Street - Garbage Night"
11" x 14"
Frog Exhibit at Museum of Natural History At Kahn Residence on E. 69th with Estelle Lunch at Little Tables with Anina Across from St. Pat's Man on Bus - Madison Avenue
"Frog Exhibit at Museum of Natural History"
11" x 14"
"At Kahn Residence on E. 69th with Estelle"
11" x 14"
"Lunch at Little Tables with Anina Across from St. Pat's"
11" x 14"
"Man on Bus - Madison Avenue"
11" x 14"
Man on Bus at Rain Forest in Central Park Zoo At the Morgan Library Opening of the Gates, '05 Outsider Art Show, Man on the Bus There
"Man on Bus at Rain Forest in Central Park Zoo"
11" x 14"
"At the Morgan Library"
11" x 14"
"Opening of the Gates, '05"
11" x 14"
"Outsider Art Show, Man on the Bus There"
11" x 14"
Planting Flowers on 89th Street At Reservoir in Autumn Roof at Met, Frank Stella Sculpture Running Up Third Avenue on 9/11
"Planting Flowers on 89th Street"
11" x 14"
"At Reservoir in Autumn"
11" x 14"
"Roof at Met, Frank Stella Sculpture"
11" x 14"
"Running Up Third Avenue on 9/11"
11" x 14"
Security at The Jewish Museum Street Blackout Party '03 Taxi Accident on Park Avenue - Wonder Whose Fault A Transvestite in a Bikini on a Cold Day, Lower East Side
"Security at The Jewish Museum"
11" x 14"
"Street Blackout Party '03
11" x 14"
"Taxi Accident on Park Avenue - Wonder Whose Fault"
11" x 14"
"A Transvestite in a Bikini on a Cold Day, Lower East Side"
11" x 14"
Walking with Man on Bus, Central Park Watching Monarch Butterflies at Gracie Mansion    
"Walking with Man on Bus, Central Park"
11" x 14"
"Watching Monarch Butterflies at Gracie Mansion"
11" x 14"
All artwork protected by copyright © Antonie Becker